Grief Literacy for Financial Service Professionals 


Powerful Empathy, Grief-Informed Leadership & Compassion Driven Communication


Support people before, during and after life's difficult transitions.  Modernize your approach to create a culture where loss is acknowledged, respected and valued.


"Compassion is not a virtue, it is a commitment. It's not something we have or don't have, it is something we choose to practice." 

- Brene Brown


Brand New!
100 Ways to Write a Condolence Card

Desktop reference tool for when you need it.
Download this 25+ page pdf. Be prepared today!

Acknowledge someone’s loss as significant.

Become Grief Literate and know exactly what to say in life’s most difficult moments.

Cultivate compassion by giving your time and thought to send a heartfelt note.

More Information & Download

Grief Literacy

& Empathy Training

Brand compassion, solidify trust and increase likability

Grief Literacy Workshop/Coaching

In person or virtual training programs, consulting or coaching

Contact Kathi

Grief Literacy Scripting Course

Confidence in what to say, not say to build connection and solidify trust. 

Take course Now!


Need a plan for how to communicate & engage  widow and or grieving clients? 

Contact for Availability

Conference or Event Speaking

Bring your E-Game! (Empathy) & Grief Smart Practices

Contact Kathi

I'm Kathi Balasek

I train financial service professionals and industries in grief literacy and empathy communication to retain, attract and serve grieving clients.  I am a coach, consultant, speaker, university lecturer and widow advocate.  I teach leaders and their team how to improve their grief literacy communication skills to best serve clients experiencing ALL types of loss.

Widowhood is financial!  Experiencing the loss of my husband first hand, I learned that the relationship between financial professionals and bereaved clients is pivotal. Combining 25 years of teaching, coaching and personal experience, I created Grief Literate Professional as a tool to help professionals retain, connect and support clients and employees experiencing loss and grief.

We will ALL experience grief and loss. Grief-informed leadership and communication are critical now! Brand compassion, attract and retain clients & employees to build a reputation as a grief inclusive company.

"Kathi did a fantastic training for our team of financial advisors on working with clients who are going through grief. We work mainly with widows and women going through divorce, so this was really apropos for us! Kathi was the best presenter I have ever heard on this subject, and she helped us to understand what these clients need and what they don’t need, how to effectively communicate with them in a compassionate and empathetic way, and why all of that is important for us in this industry. Kathi’s talk was highly informative, clarifying, and empowering!"

- Stacy Francis, CFP, CDFA, CES; Owner and CEO Francis Financial

"Kathi Balasek is  hands down the best at helping advisors work with clients experiencing grief.  Her knowledge, ability to teach, and deep care for women experiencing grief is evident after your first interaction with her.  Her class is not just theory but is full of real world tips and advice that I found useful and now use almost  daily. I would recommend her class to anyone. She is AWESOME and I am fortunate to have taken her class."

- Tim Hudson, CFP, Partner at Voyage Financial Partners

"After almost 30 years in financial services working with advisors focused on retirement income planning, I have seen that the most successful advisors are those that build strong client relationships. There is no one better to help advisors develop these skills than Kathi Balasek. Her personal experience of losing her husband and working with her advisor through this difficult period gives her a unique perspective, and her expertise as a professional educator and speaker gives her the ability to communicate these complex issues with a level of clarity and compassion that is rarely found in this industry."

-Sheryl O'Connor, CEO & Founder, IncomeConductor

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