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Kathi Balasek

Educator & Speaker 

Widow Empowerment Coach


Once a teacher, always a teacher!  Stay a student of life!  Embrace being a beginner, novice and creating a fresh perspective every day.  I’ve had to take my own advice. 

At 39, I became a widow with five children.  Facing a future on my own, yet needing to lead my family was daunting.  Fortunately I was raised by rockstar parents that taught me how to get up and press forward no matter what.  They also taught me the power of asking for help.  No one gets anywhere alone. 



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I did press forward.  I opened a business, went back to school and started teaching at the university level.  I train and mentor future teachers and coaches and I frickin love it!    

Being a widow, I experienced the rollercoaster ride of emotions such as feeling stuck, less than, overwhelmed, unappreciated, indecisive, fearful of failing, energy zapped, and comparing myself to others.  Basically asking myself, “Why can’t I get my ass off this couch and move forward?”  I was stuck and hid my pain for years.

I learned to break that pattern! There came a time that I needed to be honest with the girl in the mirror.  I didn't want to struggle forever.   I believe in God and that he has a hand in my life. However, God is busy and He needs me to get up, stand up and level up! 

We don’t have to struggle alone.  Let me help you get back in the game of taking actionable steps to a life on your terms and the future you desire.  Honestly, it is a privilege to help.

You can move forward!  You must move forward!  Fall in love with your life again!



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